2x2 Solo Show: Ali True (née Naschke-Messing)

Pro Arts Gallery, Oakland, CA



Ali True (née Naschke-Messing) responds to elements that reside within a peripheral context. Her use of both weighty and frail materials—such as thread, salt, bronze, glitter and crystals—allows her to highlight architecture, light and sound, and reveal a presence that otherwise remains invisible. Through the intersection of these materials and elements, True encourages her audience to reconsider their account of everyday space and how they choose to interact within it.

True additionally breaks down the hierarchy that can be associated with an exhibition space. Instead of encountering artwork that prevents physical interaction by the use of frames and expensive materials, she presents the viewer with installations that can physically be walked upon or taken inside and outside of the gallery, as with her kaleidoscopes. Her works only become defined in connection to the bodies that activate the space and materials. These interactions found in the gallery function as collaborations or tributes to a site that aid in certain energies amongst viewers and elements alike.

ln the relationship that True initiates for her audience, viewers develop a state of awe for her elements' persona and living presence among us. The combination of pneumatic experiences and breakdown of exhibition space allow for a sense of essence that is found within actions and physical connections. This sense is inherent in our search for inspiration and revitalization, yet only exists within the back of our minds. True eliminates this distinction between body and mind to encourage her audience to see themselves as a sentient agent in the domain of art and everyday space.